Friday, March 29, 2013

Watch Busong (Palawan Fate) Movie with Full HD Format

In Busong, Alessandra de Rossi plays Punay, who is born with wounds on her feet and cannot step on the earth. Her brother, Angkarang, carries her through a hammock, as he searches the changing landscape of Palawan in hopes of finding a healer who can cure Punay. Different people help him carry his sister along the way - a woman looking for her husband, a fisherman who lost his boat, and a young man who is searching for himself - and each one meets their fate. -- (C) Official Site Unrated
Release Date Busong (Palawan Fate) Jun 29, 2012 Limited
If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Busong (Palawan Fate) Get this movie without downloading HERE

Actors For Busong (Palawan Fate)

Alessandra de Rossi,Clifford BaƱagale,Dax Alejandro,Bonivie Budao,Chris Haywood

Genres Busong (Palawan Fate) : Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Busong (Palawan Fate)

User Ranting Busong (Palawan Fate) : 4.1
User Percentage For Busong (Palawan Fate) : 83 %
User Count Like for Busong (Palawan Fate) : 52
All Critics Ranting For Busong (Palawan Fate) :
All Critics Count For Busong (Palawan Fate) : 2
All Critics Percentage For Busong (Palawan Fate) : 2 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Busong (Palawan Fate) Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Busong (Palawan Fate)

TagLine Busong (Palawan Fate)

Trailer For Busong (Palawan Fate)


Review For Busong (Palawan Fate)

A a quiet, lyrical ode to Palawan, a tropical island paradise in the Philippines whose inhabitants go by the same name.
Andy Webster-New York Times

Director Auraeus Solito generates too little of the magic that holds a story as tenuous as this one together.
Michelle Orange-Village Voice

Movie Images Busong (Palawan Fate)

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