Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Watch Detropia Movie with Full HD Format

Detroit's story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now . . . the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos. With its vivid, painterly palette and haunting score, Detropia sculpts a dreamlike collage of a grand city teetering on the brink of dissolution. These soulful pragmatists and stalwart philosophers strive to make ends meet and make sense of it all, refusing to abandon hope or resistance. Their grit and pluck embody the spirit of the Motor City as it struggles to survive postindustrial America and begins to envision a radically different future. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Detropia Sep 5, 2012 Limited
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Actors For Detropia

Genres Detropia : Documentary

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Detropia

User Ranting Detropia : 3.5
User Percentage For Detropia : %
User Count Like for Detropia : 965
All Critics Ranting For Detropia : 7.3
All Critics Count For Detropia : 38
All Critics Percentage For Detropia : 84 %

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Movie Overview For Detropia

Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century â€" the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now… the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos.

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Trailer For Detropia


Review For Detropia

A fascinating portrait of a 21st-century post-industrial hellscape.
Barbara VanDenburgh-Arizona Republic

Detropia's filmmakers stay out of the picture, hanging back to allow the viewer to absorb the meaning of Detroit's fate. It is even more complex than we thought.
Inga Saffron-Philadelphia Inquirer

A startling, haunting documentary about a once-great city, "Detropia" is all but a eulogy for Detroit.
Tom Keogh-Seattle Times

Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing, Oscar-nominated for their earlier Jesus Camp, aim a compassionate and artful lens in their new documentary Detropia, finding signs of life in the ruined city.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

City services are shutting down, schools are closing, houses are being demo'd by the thousands - like lights being turned out one by one, "Detropia" powerfully captures a city fighting not to go dark.
Betsy Sharkey-Los Angeles Times

Artfully - perhaps too artfully - illustrates the transformation of the Motor City from a middle-class utopia to an urban nightmare of blight, crime and fleeing residents.
David Lewis-San Francisco Chronicle

Detropia is everything you think it's going to be: educational, emotional and highly depressing. Yet, Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing's documentary portrait of Detroit, America's noted city of industry, is not a static picture of decay.
Katherine Monk-Canada.com

Bleak but aesthetically quenching documentary on how the once great industrial city of Detroit has in modern times become a car wreck.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

A hard-hitting yet lyrical documentary about the current economic woes of once prosperous Detroit, an iconic American city.
Jennifer Merin-About.com

A sobering, sentimental journey through crumbling Detroit -- but one lacking any real intellectual punch.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

The film at its best is a sort of visual essay or tone poem composed of haunting, paradoxically beautiful images of urban ruin that sometimes appears almost post-apocalyptic...
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

... will do little for Motor City tourism.
Jim Lane-Sacramento News & Review

Detropia is a tone poem of a decaying city...
Sarah Boslaugh-PopMatters

Grady and Ewing, employing the observational, often visually poetic style that has become their trademark, capture this city at a crossroads.
Ian Buckwalter-The Washingtonian

'Detropia' is a tone poem, an impressionistic mosaic that gives you a sense of the city and a pandemic of pessimism that challenges those who elect to stay.
Kirk Honeycutt-honeycuttshollywood.com

The dreamlike visual approach makes for undeniably good cinema but as a meaningful examination of why Detroit unraveled, what it's facing, and where it might go, it's woefully inadequate portraiture.
Jeff Meyers-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

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