Friday, April 26, 2013

Watch Your Sister's Sister Movie with Full HD Format

A year after his brother Tom's death, Jack (Mark Duplass) is still struggling emotionally. When he makes a scene at a memorial party, Tom's best friend Iris (Emily Blunt) offers up her family cabin on an island in the Pacific Northwest so Jack can seek catharsis in solitude. Once there, however, he runs into Iris' sister Hannah (Rosemarie Dewitt) who is reeling from the abrupt end of a seven-year relationship and finds solace in Tom's unexpected presence. A blurry evening of drinking concludes with an awkward sexual incident, made worse by Iris' sudden presence at the cabin the next morning. A twisted tale of ever-complicated relationships is set in motion with raw, hilarious and emotional performances from the all-star cast. -- (C) IFC
Release Date Your Sister's Sister Jun 15, 2012 Limited
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Actors For Your Sister's Sister

Emily Blunt,Rosemarie DeWitt,Mark Duplass,Mike Birbiglia,Mike Harring,James Dodson,Pete Erickson,Evan Mosher,Jennifer Maas,Jeanette Maus,Dori Hana-Scherer,Steve Snoey,Dusty Warren,Seth Warren,Mel Eslyn,Katie Jarvis,Jeremy Mackie,Nathan Miller,Norm Tumolva,Kate Bayley

Genres Your Sister's Sister : Drama,Comedy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Your Sister's Sister

User Ranting Your Sister's Sister : 3.6
User Percentage For Your Sister's Sister : 68 %
User Count Like for Your Sister's Sister : 21,300
All Critics Ranting For Your Sister's Sister : 7
All Critics Count For Your Sister's Sister : 132
All Critics Percentage For Your Sister's Sister : 83 %

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Movie Overview For Your Sister's Sister

One year after his brother’s death, Jack hasn’t recovered. His best friend, Iris, prescribes solitary reflection and sends him to her father’s empty cabin. But she doesn’t realize her sister, Hannah, is there for similar reasons, having just walked out on a seven-year relationship. Over tequila shots, Hannah and Jack get acquainted. When Iris drops in unexpectedly, complications arise in the form of rivalry and more than a few surprising revelations.

TagLine Your Sister's Sister

A comedy about doing the right thing with the wrong person.

Trailer For Your Sister's Sister


Review For Your Sister's Sister

Movies that start well and end badly occur often enough, and yet even knowing that is no preparation for what happens to Your Sister's Sister.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

It certainly shows that fine films don't need big budgets, capturing some sweet lightning in an arresting bottle indeed.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Romantic, funny, surprising and thoroughly involving, Your Sister's Sister is the rare film you give yourself over to completely.
Claudia Puig-USA Today

There's a nice, loose-limbed improvisatory feeling to "Your Sister's Sister," a quality that identifies it as the work of artisans, not assembly-line professionals.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

This film should come with a warning: don't watch with a sibling. Unless you're up for some knowing elbow-digs.
Cath Clarke-Time Out

Who are these people, and why are we watching them?
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

It's not rollicking summertime fare, and it won't offer easy answers. But it's an entertaining failure -- just like its characters.
Charles Ealy-Austin American-Statesman

There is some witty banter and some interesting developments. The acting is solid by the three leads.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

I think I need a break from Mark Duplass for awhile. At least, from the Mark Duplass who isn't arguing about fantasy football with Ruxin and Taco.
Stephen Silver-EntertainmentTell

What could have been trite male wish-fulfillment is instead beholden to genuinely messy revelations: life as a tattered, living quilt we sew and wear as one.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

Lynn Shelton's finest film to date is a moving and bracingly romantic refute to the pressures imposed by conventional notions of emotional fulfillment.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

It's in the completely natural interactions between this gifted cast that the film really hits its groove.
Cara Nash-FILMINK (Australia)

Your Sister's Sister is somewhat slight and familiar, but it still manages to offer some reasonably insightful material on love and sibling relationships.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

For a film that relies on conversation and connection, it's awfully plot-heavy, full of "Aha!" dramatic revelations that feel more suited to a soap opera than an indie dramedy.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)

This lo-fi comedy is big on charm but was a little too shaggy for my taste.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

Although the action of Your Sister's Sister soars to an ultimately implausible conclusion, solid performances from Emily Blunt, Mark Duplass and Rosemarie DeWitt keep the overall piece afloat.
Mary Clare Waireri-Fan The Fire

Your Sister's Sister is a fine piece of character observation. It's low-key, casual, and tremendously insightful. It won't be for everybody, but that's a good thing. It's a strong, focused piece of work.
Jonathan Lack-We Got This Covered

One of the most purely pleasurable 'grown-up' films I've seen this year.

A trident of terrifically earthy performances grounds this sharp, twist-laden romantic comedy.
Jim Schembri-3AW

A wonderfully funny and uncharacteristically easy take on a genre that has been in disrepair for some time.
Glenn Dunks-Trespass

Deceptively meandering and unexpectedly complex, Your Sister's Sister combines a poignant, funny directness with a teasing incompleteness.
Philippa Hawker-The Age (Australia)

Right from the get-go, this indie American talkfest exudes a confidence, a composure and, dare I say it, a cool that extinguishes any cynicism in the room.
Leigh Paatsch-Herald Sun (Australia)

Structured more as a comedy than a drama, Your Sister's Sister is easy to like.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

Everything that takes place on screen feels convincing as Shelton is more concerned with representing her characters truthfully rather than pushing an agenda.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

The rom-com twists don't always work, but it's easy to fall for stars who clearly love acting together - particularly Blunt, who could make a paper bag dazzle.
Ed Gibbs-The Sunday Age

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