Thursday, April 25, 2013

Watch Safety Not Guaranteed Movie with Full HD Format

From the producers of Little Miss Sunshine - When an unusual classified ad inspires three cynical Seattle magazine employees to look for the story behind it, they discover a mysterious eccentric named Kenneth, a likable but paranoid supermarket clerk, who believes he's solved the riddle of time travel and intends to depart again soon. Together, they embark on a hilarious, smart, and unexpectedly heartfelt journey that reveals how far believing can take you. -- (C) Official Site R
Release Date Safety Not Guaranteed Jun 8, 2012 Limited
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Actors For Safety Not Guaranteed

Aubrey Plaza,Mark Duplass,Jake M. Johnson,Karan Soni,Basil Harris,Mary Lynn Rajskub,David Leo Schultz,Jeff Garlin,William Hall Jr.,Alice Zhang Hung,Hassan "Christos" Messiah,Keli Schurman-Darby,Jenica Bergere,Lynn Shelton,Peter Anthony Jacobs,Tony Doupe,Xola Malik,Grace Arends,Kristen Bell

Genres Safety Not Guaranteed : Drama,Comedy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Safety Not Guaranteed

User Ranting Safety Not Guaranteed : 3.9
User Percentage For Safety Not Guaranteed : 81 %
User Count Like for Safety Not Guaranteed : 36,103
All Critics Ranting For Safety Not Guaranteed : 7.4
All Critics Count For Safety Not Guaranteed : 137
All Critics Percentage For Safety Not Guaranteed : 91 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Safety Not Guaranteed Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Safety Not Guaranteed

Three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified ad seeking a companion for time travel.

TagLine Safety Not Guaranteed

Trailer For Safety Not Guaranteed


Review For Safety Not Guaranteed

Plaza and Duplass are enormously watchable, and there's a sweet sadness in the movie's focus on lost dreams and missed chances, and the truism that we all long for a time machine every once in a while.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

Safety Not Guaranteed is droll and hilarious, but there isn't a cheap laugh in it, and the ending is so perfect it sends you soaring.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

"Safety" can't sustain its own offbeat energy. By the end, even Aubrey Plaza would roll her eyes at it.
Adam Graham-Detroit News

Neatly, the script embarks on one journey while dangling the possibility of another: the prospect of taking a sudden leap from comic reality into the realm of pure imagination.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

"Safety Not Guaranteed" is most vibrant and vital at its edges, in the way that the characters interact with each other while waiting for something to happen.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

It's brisk and assured and never begs the audience's indulgence. No time is wasted. The movie is, at every moment, either funny or pushing the story forward, or both.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED sticks the landing.
Meredith Borders-Badass Digest

Bouncing back and forth between belief and incredulity, the film weaves an engaging story about love, time travel and the importance of looking beyond the obvious.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

Time travel and unexpected love combine for one of the best films of the year.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground

If you like your science-fiction lo-fi, and your coming of age parables with a handy technological metaphor at their core, Colin Trevorrow's Safety Not Guaranteed is the movie you've been waiting for.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

The film is obviously low-budget but has a smart script and a real feeling for those who would like to turn back the clock. Its modesty on the whole becomes it, and Plaza is a real find.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

A human drama with some good laughs, winningly performed, and never predictable.
Russell Lewin-SFX Magazine

[It] can be comic, tragic, mundane or something weirdly transcendental.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Shows you don't need much more than a good script to make a decent film - even if said script involves time travel.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

The finale may raise eyebrows, but this is an experience you'll want to relive.
Stella Papamichael-Radio Times

The problem is that your safety is guaranteed - everyone is too likeable for there to be any sense of danger.
Grant Rollings-Sun Online

his time-travel romcom wastes lead Aubrey Plaza and dithers until its geek-pandering finale.
Mike McCahill-Guardian [UK]

The independent sector of American cinema, you would think, would do better.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Safety Not Guaranteed has the same sort of sweet, oddball sadness which permeated Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, but the variety bag of ingredients doesn't really add up to much.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

Few films so gloriously live up to their potential.
Jessica Lambert-Little White Lies

See it...then travel back in time and see it again.
Tim Evans-Sky Movies

An endearingly oddball indie sci-fi.
Damon Wise-Empire Magazine

A low-concept film about time travel mightn't sound like much of a trip, but first-time director Colin Trevorrow offers good-natured fun and real substance in place of shiny surfaces and whizz-bang effects.
Stella Papamichael-Digital Spy

With a low budget but a lot of imagination and talent, director Trevorrow and writer Connolly create a deceptively simple comedy that's one of the most entertaining films of the year.

It may not make you walk out, but it certainly left me unsatisfied.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

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