Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Watch Life of Pi Movie with Full HD Format

Director Ang Lee creates a groundbreaking movie event about a young man who survives a disaster at sea and is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an amazing and unexpected connection with another survivor...a fearsome Bengal tiger. -- (C) Official Site PG
Release Date Life of Pi Nov 21, 2012 Wide
If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Life of Pi Get this movie without downloading HERE

Actors For Life of Pi

Suraj Sharma,Irfan Khan,Ayush Tandon,Tabu,Adil Hussain,Rafe Spall,Gérard Depardieu

Genres Life of Pi : Drama,Action & Adventure

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Life of Pi

User Ranting Life of Pi : 4.1
User Percentage For Life of Pi : 87 %
User Count Like for Life of Pi : 98,776
All Critics Ranting For Life of Pi : 8
All Critics Count For Life of Pi : 223
All Critics Percentage For Life of Pi : 88 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Life of Pi Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Life of Pi

The story of an Indian boy named Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself in the company of a hyena, zebra, orangutan, and a Bengal tiger after a shipwreck sets them adrift in the Pacific Ocean.

TagLine Life of Pi

Believe The Unbelievable

Trailer For Life of Pi


Review For Life of Pi

Flawed, yes, but marvellously ambitious, and unforgettably gorgeous to look at.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

Mr. Lee's film is stronger as a visual experience-especially in 3-D-than an emotional one, but it has a final plot twist that may also change what you thought you knew about the ancient art of storytelling.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

There's an audience out there for this movie, but the question is whether they will find it.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

The movie's energy peters out in a series of book-club conversations about divine will, the power of storytelling, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Dana Stevens-Slate

A movie that can't be dismissed because there is too much in it but can't be embraced because it's all spread too thin.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

This transcendent fable carries a real sting in its tail. Ang Lee has made a bold and wondrous movie, one of his best.
Tom Charity-CNN.com

Teenage acting newcomer Suraj Sharma, discovered through a casting call in India, gives Pi an earnestness and toughness that ground this elaborate story.
Carla Meyer-Sacramento Bee

The power of Life of Pi sneaks up on you, rather like the raw sadness of Lee's best-known previous prestige pic, Brokeback Mountain.
Margot Harrison-Seven Days

Some of the most gorgeous 3D images this side of 'Avatar.'
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

Everywhere you look there are images of beguiling beauty: a mirror-like sea reflecting golden clouds; a sudden swarm of flying fish; an island bristling with meerkats; and a breaching whale glowing with bioluminescence as it leaps out of the water.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

If you're in search of a film that's something a little different, they don't come much more different than this.
Russell Lewin-SFX Magazine

Ang Lee's fantastical and frustrating Oscar-winner is kept afloat on Blu-ray by Fox's highly commendable A/V transfer and a bundle of helpful, relevant extras.
Chris Cabin-Slant Magazine

Ang Lee's Life of Pi is a visual masterpiece, often transcending the boundaries of special effects and what they're capable of, but the film's actual story is hollow.
Jeremy Lebens-We Got This Covered

The search for religion takes a back seat to the spectacular visual splendor of a boy floating alone on the ocean with a vicious tiger.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

A wondrous tale of survival and faith that challenges our notions of the possible.
Rob Vaux-Sci-Fi Movie Page

Best director Oscar-winner Ang Lee unleashes some serious CGI black magic to create a ridiculously lifelike gang of animals stuck aboard the wackiest life raft trip you're ever likely to see.
Phil Villarreal-COEDMagazine.com

Winner of several technical Oscars and Best Director, Ang Lee's Life of Pi gets an absolutely gorgeous HD transfer in a nice full featured, simple Blu-ray package. It is a visual feast for the eyes.
Michelle Alexandria-Eclipse Magazine

"Life of Pi" isn't just a visual effects movie stuck at sea. There's a compelling story here as well.
James Plath-Movie Metropolis

Endorses the notion of blind faith, and denial as a positive character trait.
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

Mystical and endless as the number pi, 'The Life of Pi' works on a number of levels, all of them enchanting.
Linda Cook-KWQC-TV (Iowa)

Takes some time to find its flow. The CGI-tiger is the greatest marvel here-the intensity of its stare alone makes it the truest fiction of all. Religious platitudes remain fairly pat; the final allegory's overstated.
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)

The morals of the story don't come through, while the film's extensive metaphors are belatedly rammed down your throat like a get out of jail free card.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

Ang Lee's extraordinary, lyrical, beautiful, moving, genre-defying Life of Pi can be recommended with the simple, sweeping assurance that it is unlike anything you have ever seen before.
Jim Schembri-3AW

A dazzling digital dreamscape that sets staggering new heights for what can be accomplished with 3D technology.
Tom Clift-Moviedex

Martel's novel could have yielded a greater film in different hands, but Lee's work remains one to be grateful for.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

(Ang) Lee has gone above and beyond, executing the job with near flawless precision.
Matt Neal-The Standard

Movie Images Life of Pi

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