Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Watch Mystic River Movie with Full HD Format

Directed by Clint Eastwood, the mysterious drama Mystic River is based on the novel by Dennis Lehane and adapted by screenwriter Brian Helgeland. Set in an Irish neighborhood in Boston, Jimmy, Sean, and Dave are three childhood friends who are reunited after a brutal murder takes place. Reformed convict Jimmy Markum (Sean Penn) and his devoted wife Annabeth (Laura Linney) find out that their teenage daughter Katie (Emmy Rossum) has been beaten and killed. Jimmy's old friend Sean Devine (Kevin Bacon) is the homicide detective assigned to the case, along with partner Whitey Powers (Laurence Fishburne). Jimmy also gets his relatives, the Savage brothers (Adam Nelson and Robert Wahlberg), to conduct an investigation of their own. Jimmy and Sean both start to suspect their old pal, Dave Boyle (Tim Robbins), who lives a quiet life with his wife Celeste (Marcia Gay Harden) but harbors some disturbing secrets. Clint Eastwood won a Golden Coach for Mystic River at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival. ~ Andrea LeVasseur, Rovi
Release Date Mystic River Oct 8, 2003 Wide
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Actors For Mystic River

Sean Penn,Kevin Bacon,Tim Robbins,Laurence Fishburne,Marcia Gay Harden,Laura Linney,Kevin Chapman,Tom Guiry,Emmy Rossum,Spencer Treat Clark,Andrew Mackin,Adam Nelson,Robert Wahlberg,Jenny O'Hara,Cayden Boyd,Ken Cheeseman,Will Lyman,Michael McGovern,Bill Richards,Patrick Shea

Genres Mystic River : Mystery & Suspense,Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Mystic River

User Ranting Mystic River : 3.7
User Percentage For Mystic River : 86 %
User Count Like for Mystic River : 171,832
All Critics Ranting For Mystic River : 7.7
All Critics Count For Mystic River : 195
All Critics Percentage For Mystic River : 87 %

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Movie Overview For Mystic River

A thriller about friendship and loyalty, guilt and vengeance, and the fateful affect the past has on the present. Sean Penn won an Oscar for his multifaceted performance as a father who lost his daughter.

TagLine Mystic River

We bury our sins, we wash them clean.

Trailer For Mystic River


Review For Mystic River

It is in many ways Eastwood's tightest movie for some time, and certainly his darkest since Unforgiven; indeed, the ending offers as corrosive an assessment of the limits of American justice as anything in his career.
Geoff Andrew-Time Out

Sean Penn is so frighteningly good in this movie that he outdoes even the best of his earlier work.
Peter Rainer-New York Magazine

Works as a straight-up detective story, and the acting is often breathtaking.
Bill Muller-Arizona Republic

Too depressing to fill audiences with delight, but it does seem to validate questionable attitudes, especially an indifference to the suffering of innocent people and a willingness to shoot first and ask questions later.
Jonathan Rosenbaum-Chicago Reader

Solid, rarely showy performances, meticulously recreated detective work and moments of pure unadulterated grief accent this whodunit, a movie that will have those who haven't read the book fooled for much of its length.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel

Contains so many layers that you'll want to see it more than once. It's one for the memory books.
Philip Wuntch-Dallas Morning News

The entire cast did a phenomenal job, resisting the urge to overact too much, which is what you get for a film like this.
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

Powerful performances in graphic story. Only 16+.
Nell Minow-Common Sense Media

...every time the events of the plot seem hopelessly lost, the performances come to the rescue. (Blu-ray Edition)
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

American drama doesn't get any more meaty and muscular than this.

To say this is well-acted would be an understatement punishable by law; the acting talent during the film is just magnificent to watch as we see a great cast of great actors...
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

The performances are uniformly superb.

Good, occasionally powerful noir that's been overhyped.
Christopher Smith-Bangor Daily News (Maine)

Mystic falters occasionally, but I respect its effort and I'm happy to see Mr. Eastwood growing as a director.
Joe Lozito-Big Picture Big Sound

While not quite the equal of the novel, it's more complex, emotionally-charged and better acted than the average Hollywood thriller.
Alan Morrison-Empire Magazine

With characters that don't belong in the film and resolutions that seem mere fantasy, Mystic River never surpasses adequacy.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

A sprawling story that benefits from Eastwood's stripped-down approach. There are no jive talking Tarantino exchanges here, and no crowd-pleasing pyrotechnics.
KJ Doughton-Film Threat

This is one of the finer dramas to come down the pike in some time.
Bill Clark-FromTheBalcony

The film births wonderful performances from all three lead actors, as well as Marcia Gay Harden, who's palpable in preternatural ways, Thomas Guiry as the boy in love with Jimmy's daughter, and virtually everyone else with a strip of film time.
Jon Lap-Apollo Guide

It's a stately, handsome-looking studio drama that, for me, never really became emotionally or intellectually involving.
Ethan Alter-NYC Film Critic

It's a terrific murder mystery, and we can't think of higher praise than that.
Douglas Pratt-Movie City News

... frustratingly humorless, harsh, and hollow, lacking the cohesiveness, color and convincing characterization of Eastwood's masterpiece Unforgiven.
Jeffrey Overstreet-Looking Closer

Movie Images Mystic River

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