Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes Movie with Full HD Format

A single act of both compassion and arrogance leads to a war unlike any other -- and to the Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The Oscar-winning visual effects team that brought to life the worlds of Avatar and Lord of the Rings is breaking new ground, creating a CGI ape that delivers a dramatic performance of unprecedented emotion and intelligence, and epic battles on which rest the upended destinies of man and primate. -- (C) Official Site PG-13
Release Date Rise of the Planet of the Apes Aug 5, 2011 Wide
If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Rise of the Planet of the Apes Get this movie without downloading HERE

Actors For Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Genres Rise of the Planet of the Apes : Drama,Action & Adventure,Science Fiction & Fantasy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Rise of the Planet of the Apes

User Ranting Rise of the Planet of the Apes : 4.1
User Percentage For Rise of the Planet of the Apes : 87 %
User Count Like for Rise of the Planet of the Apes : 95,827
All Critics Ranting For Rise of the Planet of the Apes : 7.1
All Critics Count For Rise of the Planet of the Apes : 245
All Critics Percentage For Rise of the Planet of the Apes : 82 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Rise of the Planet of the Apes Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Scientist Will Rodman is determined to find a cure for Alzheimer's, the disease which has slowly consumed his father Charles. Will feels certain he is close to a breakthrough and tests his latest serum on apes, noticing dramatic increases in intelligence and brain activity in the primate subjects... Especially Caesar, his pet chimpanzee.

TagLine Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Evolution Becomes Revolution.

Trailer For Rise of the Planet of the Apes


Review For Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Rupert Wyatt's'Rise of the Planet of the Apes': A socially aware, achingly humane update of the venerable franchise
Joe Baltake-Passionate Moviegoer

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is spectacle with a kick: the transcendence of the normal in creatures so like ourselves is both an entertainment and a needling rebuke to human vanity.
David Denby-New Yorker

The action scenes (particularly a battle between humans and apes on the Golden Gate Bridge) are inventively spectacular, and the story at the movie's core is evocative and engaging.
Bruce Diones-New Yorker

Distinguishes itself from other ill-conceived reboots in general, and from Tim Burton's disastrous 2001 remake in particular, by looking with fresh, simian eyes at its core conflict between human and primates.
Nigel Floyd-Time Out

A well-crafted B movie with astonishingly effective motion capture CGI technology.
Richard Roeper-Richard

Tthe movie has some plot-point missteps. But it seldom puts the brakes on a story that moves toward a furious ape-human rumble, not in a jungle, but atop the Golden Gate Bridge.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Overall, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is intermittently entertaining with a few nice nods to the original series.
Matt Joseph-We Got This Covered

The bad news is that whenever this prequel's CGI apes aren't on-screen, you're wishing the flesh-and-blood actors would get the hell off!
Steve Newton-Georgia Straight

Audacious, violent and disquieting, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is a summer sequel that's better than it has any right to be.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Despite thin human drama, and one note supporting characters, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a surprisingly sincere story that elevates the franchise canon.
Ben Kendrick-ScreenRant

Despite some pretty glaring plotholes, the combination of astonishing special effects and a tension-filled story makes for a gripping and worthy rebirth for the franchise.

Had the second half of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" not descended into silliness, perhaps the film would have been a more worthy addition to the Apes legacy.

Surprises at all corners with characters we can care about who transcend the illusion of CGI most of the time...
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

Even if you've never seen a Planet of the Apes film or aren't a fan of the franchise, this flick is still a must see as it encompasses everything we go to the movies for.
Steve "Uncle Creepy" Barton-Dread Central

I wonder if this new series can afford to be bolder in its design.
Jeremiah Kipp-House Next Door

The substance of the film is simply mesmerising: the way in which it prioritises story over spectacle, saying so much without explicit over-statement is a triumph, and it is for good reason that it is one of my picks for Best Film at next year's Oscars.
Simon Gallagher-What Culture

One of the ten best films of 2011, and the year's best popcorn movie.
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest

... One of the better movies of the summer.
Greg Maki-Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)

Only in a world where James Franco portrays Will Rodman, a brilliant biochemist working for a pharmaceutical company, can apes get the best of mankind.

It may not be the best film of 2011, but it's certainly one of the best sci fi films of the year, and easily one of the best sequels/prequels in the last several years.
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

Thanks to the eye-popping performance-capture technology developed for Avatar and another astonishing primate performance by Andy Serkis, Rise puts across its fantasy so convincingly that you're swept away - and chilled - as the story unfolds.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Movie Images Rise of the Planet of the Apes

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