Friday, June 28, 2013

Watch And Now A Word From Our Sponsor Movie with Full HD Format

Adan Kundle (Bruce Greenwood), CEO of a major advertising agency, is discovered unconscious in front of a wall of TVs. When he wakes in the hospital, Adan can only communicate through advertising slogans. There he meets Karen Hillridge (Parker Posey), the hospital's Head of Charity Foundation, who has a past history with Adan. Unable to stay in the hospital, and while waiting for long term care placement, Karen reluctantly decides to take Adan into her home for what is to be a few days. Through his ongoing and sometimes inappropriate slogans, Adan slowly begins to affect Karen and the dysfunctional relationship she has with her daughter Meghan (Allie MacDonald). Karen gradually uncovers Adan's background and his antagonistic business relationship with Lucas Foster (Callum Blue), the president of the advertising agency that Adan owns. As Lucas moves closer to taking over the agency by attacking Adan's mental capacity, Adan becomes more involved in helping Karen and Meghan mend their relationship.(c) Gravitas
Release Date And Now A Word From Our Sponsor May 10, 2013 Limited
If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here And Now A Word From Our Sponsor Get this movie without downloading HERE

Actors For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

Bruce Greenwood,Parker Posey,Callum Blue,Allie MacDonald

Genres And Now A Word From Our Sponsor : Drama,Art House & International,Comedy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

User Ranting And Now A Word From Our Sponsor : 2.6
User Percentage For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor : %
User Count Like for And Now A Word From Our Sponsor : 120
All Critics Ranting For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor : 4.6
All Critics Count For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor : 10
All Critics Percentage For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor : 10 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here And Now A Word From Our Sponsor Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

TagLine And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

Trailer For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor


Review For And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

A mild, toothless satire - a "Being There'' where there's barely any there there.
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

With the nimble Greenwood and a kinder, gentler-than-usual Posey in charge, "And Now" proves a thoroughly engaging lark.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times

To describe "And Now a Word From Our Sponsor" as a one-joke skit stretched well beyond the breaking point isn't entirely fair, because when used ingeniously, which is very seldom, the joke lands.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

Plop plop. Fizz fizz. Oh, what a missed opportunity it is!
Peter Debruge-Variety

Always-good Greenwood ambles through on charm and bemusement, but the film is still an idea in search of meaning.
Joe Neumaier-New York Daily News

This insipid, fraudulent Canadian comedy smells like a 30-year-old screenplay somebody found in the CAA commissary under a short chair leg.
David Klipen-Village Voice

Two Sharp Performances Stranded By Limp Satire In And Now A Word From Our Sponsor
Gabe Toro-The Playlist

[Greenwood] can't rescue the movie all by himself, but he does at least transform it into a first-rate acting class.
Mike D'Angelo-AV Club

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor may not be good to the last drop, but parts of it are finger lickin' good.
Mike McGranaghan-Aisle Seat

Movie Images And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

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