Friday, June 21, 2013

Watch Populaire Movie with Full HD Format

Spring, 1958: 21-year-old Rose Pamphyle lives with her grouchy widower father who runs the village store. Engaged to the son of the local mechanic, she seems destined for the quiet, drudgery-filled life of a housewife. But that's not the life Rose longs for. When she travels to Lisieux in Normandy, where charismatic insurance agency boss Louis Echard is advertising for a secretary, the ensuing interview is a disaster. But Rose reveals a special gift - she can type at extraordinary speed. Unwittingly, the young woman awakens the dormant sports fan in Louis. If she wants the job she'll have to compete in a speed typing competition. Whatever sacrifices Rose must make to reach the top, Louis declares himself her trainer. He'll turn her into the fastest girl not only in the country, but in the world! But a love of sport doesn't always mix well with love itself. -- (C) Weinstein
Release Date Populaire Sep 6, 2013 Limited
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Actors For Populaire

Romain Duris,Déborah François,Bérénice Bejo,Shaun Benson,Mélanie Bernier,Nicolas Bedos,Miou-Miou,Eddy Mitchell,Frederic Pierrot,Feodor Atkine,Dominique Reymond

Genres Populaire : Drama,Comedy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Populaire

User Ranting Populaire :
User Percentage For Populaire : %
User Count Like for Populaire : 745
All Critics Ranting For Populaire : 6.9
All Critics Count For Populaire : 22
All Critics Percentage For Populaire : 77 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Populaire Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Populaire

Rose Pamphyle, 21, is determined to break free from her stifling existence. Living with her widowed father and dreary husband, she seems destined to remain a bored housewife. That is, until she applies for a job at an insurance agency and her charismatic boss offers her a job - provided she compete in a speed typing tournament.

TagLine Populaire

Trailer For Populaire


Review For Populaire

It's très chic and charming but a bit disappointing when you see where it's headed.
Cath Clarke-Time Out

Even if it's ultimately little more than a frothy bit of fun, there are elements that stick with us.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall

A cute, glamorous and 'qwerky' French fancy that features a delightful performance from Deborah Francois, but it's overshadowed by a Gallic inferiority complex.
Michael Leader-Film4

Populaire ultimately feels too desperate to be a crowd pleaser to really satisfy as one.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

A fresh and colourful romantic comedy about typing? Surely some mistake? Au contraire.
Karen Krizanovich-Radio Times

There's a generosity and kindness underlying the smooth surface and a sense of sadness, of loss, about a past that can be recaptured as style but never recovered as reality.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Blessed with stunning sets, colourful costumes and a fine piano score, Populaire is a bright and breezy film that older audiences in particularly will appreciate.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

It's a sweet little film - a trifle with extra custard - and whenever Rose beams in triumph, you can't help but beam right back.
Robbie Collin-Daily Telegraph

Ridiculously charming as it spins a deliciously retro kitsch magic.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

It's impossible not to be charmed by this cheeky French comedy, even if it's utterly predictable and never remotely breaks its gorgeously designed surfaces.

Régis Roinsard's concoction is seriously artificial.
Charlotte O'Sullivan-This is London

Populaire is entirely predictable but it is also immensely charming, beautifully crafted and is a complete winner.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

It's a speed comedy: snappy, inoffensive, mechanical, but mostly hitting the right keys.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Not since The Artist has there been a French film as delightful or commercial as Populaire. If you're looking for a happy, feelgood romantic comedy, here it is.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

You'll need to have a very sweet tooth for this, and it makes light of those difficult sexual politics that Mad Men attacked with such fierce satire.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

Almost never hits a false key. A delight.
Jessica Lambert-Little White Lies

Stylishly directed and laugh-out-loud funny, this is a hugely enjoyable French romcom (or Fromcom) with a witty, intelligent script and a pair of terrific comic performances from Deborah Francois and Romain Duris.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

This frothy romance zips along, powered by pleasing performances from Romain Duris and Deborah Francois.
-Sky Movies

Offers plenty of easy nostalgia and Duris charm.
Liz Beardsworth-Empire Magazine

The colourful retro designs and the leads' sparkling chemistry help to Tipp-Ex over some of the predictability.
Tom Dawson-Total Film

Movie Images Populaire

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