Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Watch The Words Movie with Full HD Format

Starring Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde and Zoë Saldana, the layered romantic drama The Words follows young writer Rory Jansen who finally achieves long sought after literary success after publishing the next great American novel. There's only one catch - he didn't write it. As the past comes back to haunt him and his literary star continues to rise, Jansen is forced to confront the steep price that must be paid for stealing another man's work, and for placing ambition and success above life's most fundamental three words. -- (C) CBS Films
Release Date The Words Sep 7, 2012 Wide
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Actors For The Words

Bradley Cooper,Jeremy Irons,Dennis Quaid,Olivia Wilde,Zoe Saldana,Ben Barnes,John Hannah,Vito DeFilippo,Michael McKean,Lucinda Davis,J.K. Simmons,James Babson,Ron Rifkin,Brian Klugman,Elizabeth Stauber,Nora Arnezeder,Gianpaolo Venuta,Raphael Grosz-Harvey,Brent Skagford,Andrew T. Mackay

Genres The Words : Mystery & Suspense,Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For The Words

User Ranting The Words : 3.3
User Percentage For The Words : %
User Count Like for The Words : 46,134
All Critics Ranting For The Words : 4.6
All Critics Count For The Words : 116
All Critics Percentage For The Words : 22 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here The Words Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For The Words

The Words follows young writer Rory Jansen who finally achieves long sought after literary success after publishing the next great American novel. There's only one catch - he didn't write it. As the past comes back to haunt him and his literary star continues to rise, Jansen is forced to confront the steep price that must be paid for stealing another man's work, and for placing ambition and success above life's most fundamental three words.

TagLine The Words

There's more than one way to take a life.

Trailer For The Words


Review For The Words

A mostly middling drama.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

The story-within-a-story-within-a-story is so slight and inconsequential, like the tiniest of a set of Russian nesting dolls, that we may be forgiven for letting our minds wander toward bedtime and tomorrow's errands.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

The premise is ambitious -- if not a little hokey -- but the meager themes of ephemeral authorship and constructed realities aren't exactly revelatory.
Drew Hunt-Chicago Reader

Bradley Cooper's funniest movie since "The Hangover" - unfortunately, unintentionally this time ...
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

This film's layered storytelling lacks the fluidity, grace, or good humour, to pull off its conceit.
Adam Litovitz-Globe and Mail

Romanticized claptrap.
Frank Lovece-Newsday

A movie about a bad author who steals the book of a good author, and I'm pretty certain that The Words, if pressed, wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Will Leitch-Deadspin

It's nothing you haven't seen before in films about struggling artists spending more time obsessing than working.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger

Its long, dry patches of colourless storytelling suggest it makes more sense as a book, one to read before you fall asleep to dream of better movies.
Ken McIntyre-Total Film

In a relevant study of plagiarism, influences and lifetime experiences, The Words chiefly reminds us that the past is indelible.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

Like a Russian nesting doll, this film tells a story within a story within another story, playing around with fact and fiction, as well as the nature of creative inspiration and integrity.
Rich Cline-Contactmusic.com

Nothing, absolutely nothing, makes 'The Words' interesting.
Jeffrey Westhoff-Northwest Herald (Crystal Lake, IL)

The Words becomes one of the year's most irritating movies.
Marty Mapes-Movie Habit

Engrossing morality tale about lying, guilt and just how great a character actor Jeremy Irons has turned into.
Jim Schembri-3AW

I like the idea but The Words is a little too preachy, too melodramatic for my liking.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

This isn't an Oscar-contending powerhouse drama; it's a film dedicated to expressing its message.
Liam Maguren-Flicks.co.nz

Melodrama built on a shallow, contrived literary device.
Don Groves-sbs.com.au

Literary soapie The Words is mutton dressed as bespectacled lamb.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

A fable and a lesson, but it is a thoroughly enjoyable one, delivered with masterful performances and a great sense of storytelling tradition
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

A wonderful screenplay in which three stories are skilfully interwoven to deliver a rich and satisfying film that questions integrity above all else
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Maybe it's the timing of the release, coming at the dead zone of post-summer and pre-fall cinematic fare..but 'The Words' has enough going for it to be recommended.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

A dreadful misfire, particularly for Cooper, who is otherwise pursuing an interesting career trajectory away from The Hangover series.
Ed Gibbs-The National

Despite an exposition-heavy outer layer, The Words delivers on 2/3 threads that it presents and offers a somewhat evocative meditation on truth.
Ben Kendrick-ScreenRant

One of the meatiest movies of the year ...
Jim Lane-Sacramento News & Review

Things get confusing whenever Quaid appears as the audience is never sure if he is the real bogus author or if Cooper even exists.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

"The Words" seems to have jumbled the lines and created a melodrama that is a sore disappointment.
Jolene Mendez-Entertainment Spectrum

Movie Images The Words

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