Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Watch Drive Movie with Full HD Format

Ryan Gosling stars as a Los Angeles wheelman for hire, stunt driving for movie productions by day and steering getaway vehicles for armed heists by night. Though a loner by nature, Driver can't help falling in love with his beautiful neighbor Irene (Carey Mulligan), a vulnerable young mother dragged into a dangerous underworld by the return of her ex-convict husband Standard (Oscar Isaac). After a heist intended to pay off Standard's protection money spins unpredictably out of control, Driver finds himself driving defense for the girl he loves, tailgated by a syndicate of deadly serious criminals. But when he realizes that the gangsters are after more than the bag of cash in his trunk-that they're coming straight for Irene and her son-Driver is forced to shift gears and go on offense. -- (C) FilmDistrict
Release Date Drive Sep 16, 2011 Wide
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Actors For Drive

Ryan Gosling,Carey Mulligan,Bryan Cranston,Albert Brooks,Oscar Isaac,Christina Hendricks,Ron Perlman,Cesar Garcia,John Pyper-Ferguson,Russ Tamblyn,Tim Trella,Craig Baxley, Jr.,Jeff Wolfe,James Biberi,Joe Pingue,Dieter H. Busch,Joey Bucarro,Jimmy Hart,Tina Huang,Tiara Parker

Genres Drive : Drama,Action & Adventure,Mystery & Suspense

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Drive

User Ranting Drive : 3.9
User Percentage For Drive : 78 %
User Count Like for Drive : 72,813
All Critics Ranting For Drive : 8.3
All Critics Count For Drive : 232
All Critics Percentage For Drive : 93 %

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Movie Overview For Drive

A mysterious Hollywood stuntman who moonlights as a getaway driver seems to be trying to escape his shady past as he falls for his neighbor - whose husband is in prison and who's looking after her child alone. Meanwhile, his garage mechanic boss is trying to set up a race team using gangland money, which implicates our driver as he is to be used as the race team's main driver. Our hero gets more than he bargained for when he meets the man who is married to the woman he loves.

TagLine Drive

There Are No Clean Getaways

Trailer For Drive


Review For Drive

Sure, it's shallow, but it's also slickly compelling, beautifully crafted and so damn shiny.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

In grabbing our attention, [Refn] diverts it from what matters. The horror lingers and seeps; the feelings are sponged away.
Anthony Lane-New Yorker

The extreme and escalating violence will prove off-putting to some-frankly, I'm surprised not to have been among them-but for the rest, Drive is a needle-punch of adrenaline to the aorta.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

In reworking genres without quoting shamelessly, Refn proves himself his own man and a guy quite capable of taking us places we didn't even know we wanted to go.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Drive is pedal-to-the-metal stuff. Don't get behind the wheel unless you can take the rush.
Tom Long-Detroit News

This is no antic-frantic affair; instead, it's a cerebral game of stop-and-go, hide-and-seek, as the director behind the camera handles things exactly like the guy behind the wheel - with a stylish mixture of cold calculation and cool aplomb.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Hands down the coolest film of 2011, Drive is a stylised genre film where the genre is constantly changing.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground

Something under the hood of Drive captured my heart; director Nicolas Winding Refn has admirably crafted a fine piece of retro-noir cinema.
Chase Whale-Gordon and the Whale

Neither overblown action movie or intimate character study, Drive is somewhere in between - my approximation of "an arthouse Fast & Furious" wasn't too wide of the mark after all.
Ali Gray-TheShiznit.co.uk

Nicolas Winding Refn's atmosperic direction, Gosling's sheer presence and a soundtrack that's perfection make Drive a fantastic film.
Kristal Cooper-We Got This Covered

Between the glowing city lights, undoubtedly hip synth-bassed soundtrack and Gosling's enigmatic anti-hero, Drive is a film that is so effortlessly and timelessly cool, it seems destined to be held as a cult favourite for decades to come.
Matt Looker-TheShiznit.co.uk

With a titanic infusion of pound-feet of torque, Drive is the best movie of 2011, a raging race that's part F1 and equal part demolition derby.
Erick Weber-NECN

If Sofia Coppola were a dude making genre action movies to impress Quentin Tarantino ... those movies would be a lot like this.
Jeffrey Overstreet-Filmwell

Drive is surprising in many ways, from its quietly spoken first act through its increasingly violent and unexpected trajectory.
Matt Neal-The Standard

It's a slow-burn romantic fairy tale that suddenly turns dark and very violent, but director Nicholas Winding Refn is a master at developing suspense and menace, and every frame of this movie is dripping with both.
Eric Melin-Scene-Stealers.com

Drive embraces and even takes comfort in the misery wrought by its characters' dealings with one another, content to accentuate the beauty in it rather than the horror.
Michael Nordine-Slant Magazine

A classic tale of revenge, love and madness is given a refreshing polish and shine by director Nicolas Winding Refn. Drive is one of the year's very best.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD

Nicholas Winding Refn's 'neon-noir' heist film Drive winds the speedo back 25 years to honour the spirit of 80s action films, but this fable about fast cars and mob violence isn't afraid to show its feminine side.
Fiona Williams-sbs.com.au

... celebrates -- one might say revels in -- the pulp mythology of existential anti-heroes and criminal chivalry and street opera tragedy of American movies.
Sean Axmaker-MSN.com

Delivers the thrilling action goods with craft and distinctive style.
Michael Dequina-TheMovieReport.com

Young directors would do well to take a cue or two from Refn when it comes to telling an engrossing story, because when a filmmaker with real vision is at the wheel, even the familiar can feel fresh, new, and exciting.
Jason Buchanan-TV Guide's Movie Guide

The real star of this film is the direction of cult Danish filmmaker Nicolas Winding Refn, making his Hollywood debut.
Ignatiy Vishnevetsky-Ebert Presents At The Movies

"Drive" is not the "Fast and Furious" knockoff you might think it is based on the advertising. It is far more artistic and thoughtful than any of those films could ever hope to be. Consider it a thinking man's action movie.
Greg Maki-Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)

Action and smarts don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. But director Nicolas Winding Refn ('Bronson') deftly blends them in 'Drive,' a phenomenally entertaining movie that employs a haunting soundtrack, clever direction and entertaining characters.
Linda Cook-KWQC-TV (Iowa)

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