Saturday, May 18, 2013

Watch The Visitor Movie with Full HD Format

A lonesome widower and college economics professor finds his mundane existence suddenly shaken up when he befriends a pair of illegal immigrants, one of whom has recently been threatened with deportation by U.S. immigration authorities, in the sophomore feature from The Station Agent director Tom McCarthy. Years after losing his wife, 62-year-old Walter Vale (Richard Jenkins) has also lost his passion for writing and teaching. In an effort to fill the empty void that his life has become, Walter makes a half-hearted attempt to learn to play classical piano. Later, when Walter's college sends him to a conference in Manhattan, he is surprised to discover that a young couple has moved into his seldom-used apartment in the city. Tarek (Haaz Sleiman) and his Senegalese girlfriend Zainab (Danai Gurira) have fallen victims to an elaborate real-estate scam, and as a result they no longer have a place to call home. When Walter reluctantly allows the couple to remain in his apartment, talented musician Tarek insists on repaying his host's kindness by teaching him to play the African drum. Over the course of Walter's lessons, the ageing academic finds his spirits revitalized while gaining a newfound appreciation for New York jazz clubs and Central Park drum circles. Later, Tarek is arrested in the subway and threatened with deportation after police learn that he is an undocumented citizen. Suddenly, in his attempt to help his new friend, Walter's passion for life is unexpectedly awakened. When Tarek's radiant mother Mouna (Hiam Abbass) arrives in the city in search of her son, that passion turns to romance -- something that Walter had previously thought he would never experience again. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Release Date The Visitor Apr 25, 2008 Wide
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Actors For The Visitor

Richard Jenkins,Hiam Abbass,Haaz Sleiman,Danai Jekesai Gurira,Marian Seldes,Richard Kind,Michael Cumpsty,Maggie Moore,Bill McHenry,Tzahi Moskovitz,Amir Arison,Neal Lerner,Ramón Fernández,Frank Pando,Waleed Zuaitor,Deborah Rush,Ashley Springer,Laith Nakli,Jacqueline Brogman,Walter T. Mudu

Genres The Visitor : Drama

Visitor Ranting & Critics For The Visitor

User Ranting The Visitor : 3.6
User Percentage For The Visitor : 82 %
User Count Like for The Visitor : 125,972
All Critics Ranting For The Visitor : 7.6
All Critics Count For The Visitor : 115
All Critics Percentage For The Visitor : 89 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here The Visitor Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For The Visitor

A college professor travels to New York City to attend a conference and finds a young couple living in his apartment.

TagLine The Visitor

Connection is everything

Trailer For The Visitor


Review For The Visitor

At first glance Walter isn't a guy you want to spend two hours with. But by the end of the film, you don't want to see him go. Jenkins is like that: He sneaks up on you and steals your heart with light-fingered skill.
Carrie Rickey-Philadelphia Inquirer

The Visitor is a tiny treasure of a movie. This is a wistful comedy that quickly finds its rhythm, but never lets that groove become a rut.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel

The Visitor is a small movie, but its emotions could not be writ any larger.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

The film becomes less about the suffering of immigrants who have never enjoyed the embrace of Ellis Island than the righteous indignation of a liberal intelligentsia raging against its own powerlessness.
Jason McBride-Globe and Mail

The story of Vale's revitalization and his grief is compelling but simple, free of any sentimentality, and marked by powerful performances from Jenkins and Hiam Abbass, who plays Mouna Khalil, Tarek's mother.
Philip Marchand-Toronto Star

The script here is very strong.
Richard Roeper-Ebert & Roeper

First with The Station Agent and now with The Visitor, actor-turned-director Tom McCarthy has quickly proven himself a master of the delicately-observed social drama.
David N.

The Visitor gives Richard Jenkins a chance to develop a character for the whole running time.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

Un retrato sutil y sensible sobre la inesperada conexión que se produce entre cuatro personas de diferentes culturas y orígenes, y también una postal algo desencantada y agridulce de la Nueva York posterior al 11/9. Destacable actuación protagónica de Ric
Enrique Buchichio-Uruguay Total

click for full review
Joseph Proimakis-Movies for the Masses

Our patience with the characters' apathy and uninteresting demeanor is not rewarded enough.
Ross Anthony-Hollywood Report Card

An interesting examination of the unusual relationship between a bored college professor and an illegal immigrant. There are some thought-provoking discussions in the film patched periodically with rough spots.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

Tasting the bitter fruits of globalization
S. James Wegg-JWR

Extras on this excellent disc include a full-length audio commentary by writer/ director Thomas McCarthy and actor Richard Jenkins and more.
Brian Webster-Apollo Guide

The astonishing sensitivity with which Richard Jenkins approaches his role is nicely complimented by the performances of other cast members.
Brian Webster-Apollo Guide

Its mushy humanism is...insidious.
-Time Out Sydney

The best movies are those that understand the human condition and have a personal vision. The Visitor is one of those rare creations. The Visitor is a parable of decency.
Tony Macklin-Fayetteville Free Weekly

The not-so subliminal message about life being fair versus breaking the law isn't enough to carry a film purporting to be a character-driven drama.
Kevin A.

Jenkins, as always has a quiet, almost apologetic hesitation to his performance that serves him well as Walter....a very sweet and gentle film.
Karina Montgomery-Cinerina

A showcase role for otherwise supporting actor Richard Jenkins, and he makes the most of it without ever being showy.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

Exactly the type of movie the GOP would rather Americans not see, as it individualizes (rather than demonizes) its foreign characters and provides them with a collective voice that demands to be heard.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

A character study drowning in liberal guilt.
Nick Schager-Lessons of Darkness

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