Friday, July 12, 2013

Watch Iron Man 2 Movie with Full HD Format

As Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) owns up to being Iron Man before the world press, Anton Vanko lies dying in Russia. Years ago, Anton worked with Tony's father to create a new source of energy. But greed got the best of Anton, and now as he slips away, his son, Ivan (Mickey Rourke), vows to make Tony pay for the sins of his father. Meanwhile, Tony fends off efforts from smarmy Senator Stern (Garry Shandling) and military weapons expert Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) to get him to divulge the secrets of his powerful Iron Man suit. The powers that be are concerned that Tony's technology may fall into the wrong hands -- fears that are soon confirmed when the cocky billionaire entrepreneur is confronted in front of the entire world by Ivan, who has built his own weapon using stolen Stark blueprints. Later, as Lt. Rhodes (Don Cheadle) wrestles with the decision to personally deliver Tony's suit to the military, Ivan finds an unlikely ally in the quest to destroy Iron Man; Stark Industries legal consultant Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson) reveals her connection to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson); and Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) takes on some new responsibilities. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Release Date Iron Man 2 May 7, 2010 Wide
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Actors For Iron Man 2

Robert Downey Jr.,Gwyneth Paltrow,Don Cheadle,Scarlett Johansson,Sam Rockwell,Mickey Rourke,Samuel L. Jackson,Clark Gregg,John Slattery,Garry Shandling,Paul Bettany,Kate Mara,Leslie Bibb,Jon Favreau,Christiane Amanpour,Philippe Bergeron,James Bethea,Michael Bruno,Katie Clark,Luminita Docan

Genres Iron Man 2 : Action & Adventure,Science Fiction & Fantasy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Iron Man 2

User Ranting Iron Man 2 : 3.7
User Percentage For Iron Man 2 : 80 %
User Count Like for Iron Man 2 : 295,751
All Critics Ranting For Iron Man 2 : 6.5
All Critics Count For Iron Man 2 : 275
All Critics Percentage For Iron Man 2 : 73 %

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Movie Overview For Iron Man 2

Now that his Super Hero secret has been revealed, Tony Stark's life is more intense than ever. Everyone wants in on the Iron Man technology, whether for power or profit... But for Ivan Vanko, it's revenge! Tony must once again suit up and face his most dangerous enemy yet, but not without a few new allies of his own.

TagLine Iron Man 2

It's not the armor that make the hero, but the man inside.

Trailer For Iron Man 2


Review For Iron Man 2

As for the actual grand finale, Downey Jr. and Cheadle seem like they're already network gaming the PS3 release instead of facing any actual threat, and Rourke goes out like a chump.
Nick Pinkerton-Village Voice

The whiz-bang stuff here -- while never less than slick -- doesn't produce anything we haven't seen before.

The best scenes are still the ones with Downey and Gwyneth Paltrow (as Stark's charm-resistant assistant, Pepper Potts), or just Downey alone. The rest feels like padding, which is something a sleek-suited superhero shouldn't need.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

It's enjoyable to see a quality superhero dynamically and enthusiastically rendered.

Rourke puts a human face, albeit a bashed one, on comic book villainy.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Even the director...seems to view the heavy clanking of mechanized men as a bit of a chore: the kind of well-prepared yet unremarkable meat course that must inevitably follow the delightful amuse bouche of Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of Stark.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

It's much more fun to create a franchise than to doggedly sustain it.
Will Leitch-Deadspin

Throws down the armored gauntlet to all the other summer blockbusters - bring your "A" game or be content being the season's second best movie.
Jeffrey Lyles-Lyles' Movie Files

Robert Downey Jr., plays Stark with a twinkle in his eye and a sense of fun, but can't quite stamp the same authority onto the film as he did in the first version.
Mark Adams-Screen International

It's half the fun of the first movie and twice as convoluted.
Chris Garcia-Austin American-Statesman

Despite being more traditional in structure and theme than the original, Iron Man 2 offers just about everything anyone could ask for in a superhero spectacular, and then some.
Jason Buchanan-TV Guide's Movie Guide

The most cynical and calculating part of it all is that the movie never really finds a justification for its existence; except, that is, as a bald-faced setup for The Avengers.
Michael Saba-Paste Magazine

Many people will probably not find this one up to par with the fun of the original, but personally, I ended up having more fun with this movie, so while I gave the original a mild recommendation, I can give this one a slightly stronger one.

I was predisposed to like Iron Man even if it starred David Hasselhoff wrapped in tinfoil ... Is it worth your time? Definitely. Is it the calibre of Spider-Man 2 and The Dark Knight? Afraid not.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

By rights, a superhero sequel should be darker, more intense and more dangerous, but Favreau is happy just to stay cool. That's all Iron Man's job has ever been, and frankly, that's fine by me.

The bar has been set for the 2010 summer blockbusters.
Greg Maki-Star-Democrat (Easton, MD)

... The visual effects, though solid, may brighten the screen but are a poor substitute for characterisation and style - those two absent friends who we miss the most during the show.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

In the land of sequels it's no Temple of Doom or Empire Strikes Back, but it's also not Rise of the Silver Surfer. Me and my box of Junior Mints, we still had a good time.

Iron Man 2 isn't an ideal sequel but it is good, fixing most of the problems of the first movie without giving up what made it work to begin with.

Some critics may claim that the Iron Man films are simply dragging on a genre that's redundant (...) but my view is that it is rescuing a big part of the Marvel universe.
Mike Edwards-What Culture

Robert Downey Jr squeezes back into ... Tony Stark's incredible suit ... and his charismatic presence gives the movie a bigger boost than his character's jet-propelled boots.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Iron Man bests the biggest adversaries of the superhero genre in his second outing: production troubles, sequel-bloat and overwhelming, unrestrained fanboy hype.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Fans will be satisfied, even if it doesn't match the nuanced and well-rounded brilliance of the first film. But many will be disappointed with this seemingly rushed follow-up.
Matt Neal-The Standard

...the movie offers an abundance of thrills, laughs, and interpersonal communications. Yeah, action and talk; a little something for everyone.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

Movie Images Iron Man 2

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