Thursday, July 18, 2013

Watch Post Tenebras Lux Movie with Full HD Format

POST TENEBRAS LUX ("light after darkness"), ostensibly the story of an upscale, urban family whose move to the Mexican countryside results in domestic crises and class friction, is a stunningly photographed, impressionistic psychological portrait of a family and their place within the sublime, unforgiving natural world. Reygadas conjures a host of unforgettable, ominous images: a haunting sequence at dusk as Reygadas's real-life daughter wanders a muddy field and farm animals loudly circle and thunder and lightning threaten; a glowing-red demon gliding through the rooms of a home; a husband and wife visiting a swingers' bathhouse with rooms named after famous philosophers. By turns entrancing and mystifying, POST TENEBRAS LUX palpably explores the primal conflicts of the human condition. (c) Strand
Release Date Post Tenebras Lux May 1, 2013 Limited
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Actors For Post Tenebras Lux

Adolfo Jimenez Castro,Nathalia Acevedo,Willebaldo Torres,Rut Reygadas,Eleazar Reygadas

Genres Post Tenebras Lux : Drama,Art House & International,Special Interest

Visitor Ranting & Critics For Post Tenebras Lux

User Ranting Post Tenebras Lux : 3.3
User Percentage For Post Tenebras Lux : %
User Count Like for Post Tenebras Lux : 670
All Critics Ranting For Post Tenebras Lux : 6.3
All Critics Count For Post Tenebras Lux : 45
All Critics Percentage For Post Tenebras Lux : 53 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here Post Tenebras Lux Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For Post Tenebras Lux

Juan and his urban family live in the Mexican countryside, where they enjoy and suffer a world apart. And nobody knows if these two worlds are complementary or if they strive to eliminate one another.

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Trailer For Post Tenebras Lux


Review For Post Tenebras Lux

The result calls for a viewing as different as looking at a Vermeer against Rothko or de Kooning or multiple other modern painters.
Stanley Kauffmann-The New Republic

Along with Bela Tarr and Terrence Malick, Carlos Reygadas is one of today's few genuinely religious filmmakers.
Peter Keough-Boston Globe

Moviegoers beholden to clean narrative may feel they need their own explanatory GPS and audio guide. But the richer reward lies in allowing oneself to be led by this gifted director's instinct for lyrical, sensory exploration.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

This one delivers a grand pictorialism and piercing existential moments that float atop the maundering narrative like noodles in soup.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

It's as if Reygadas started with a sprawling cache of visual ideas and then tried to find some way to organize them all. The effect can be frustrating at times, but also surprising and beguiling.
Scott Tobias-NPR

Like a jumbled-up set of nesting boxes, the scenes make sense individually (kind of). The hard part is fitting them together.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

A bewildering array of arresting imagery - glowing devils, self-decapitation, joyless sex clubs and public school rugby matches - that seems to confrontationally resist reconciliation.
Chris Buckle-The Skinny

If there's a unifying concept to all of this it's the idea of defilement.
Josh Larsen-LarsenOnFilm

Entrancingly beautiful and calculated to confound
Violet Lucca-Film Comment Magazine

Muddled and atmospheric, the result is more frustrating than fascinating.

Emotionally and intellectually demanding, but occasionally exhausting and tedious.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

If greeted with enough openness and interest, Post Tenebras Lux's seemingly incoherent string of scenes reveals itself as a carefully executed emotional structure that begs for, and rewards, repeated viewings.
Joe Peeler-Paste Magazine

The film is never less than fascinating, but it appears to be so intensely personal as to be all but indecipherable to viewers not personally acquainted with the filmmaker, or at least in possession of the press kit.
Mike D'Angelo-AV Club

Despite a handful of splendid moments, it doesn't quite succeed
Jordan Hoffman-Badass Digest

Movie Images Post Tenebras Lux

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