Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Watch My Dog Skip Movie with Full HD Format

The popular memoir by Pulitzer prize-winning author Willie Morris became this family comedy-drama about a boy and his dog. Young Willie Morris (Frankie Muniz) is a shy eight-year-old in 1942 Yazoo, MS, who is more comfortable reading than playing sports. A target for local bullies, Willie's only real pal is his older next-door neighbor Dink Jenkins (Luke Wilson), once the town's living sports legend and a big brother figure to Willie, an only child. When Dink is shipped overseas for service in World War II, Willie's mother Ellen (Diane Lane) finally forces his gruff father Jack (Kevin Bacon) to allow into the family a pet dog, a Jack Russell terrier named Skip. The smart and playful Skip gets his owner into a series of adventures on the baseball field and with a band of moonshiners, quickly turning Willie into a popular, accepted kid who even wins the affections of the school's prettiest girl, Rivers Applewhite (Caitlin Wachs). In the meantime, Dink returns from war branded a coward for an incident that occurred in combat but finds an unexpected ally in the normally taciturn Jack, a fellow veteran. Harry Connick Jr. narrated as the adult Willie; the role of Skip was played in later scenes by Moose, the pooch star of television's Frasier. ~ Karl Williams, Rovi
Release Date My Dog Skip Mar 3, 2000 Wide
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Actors For My Dog Skip

Frankie Muniz,Diane Lane,Luke Wilson,Kevin Bacon,Caitlin Wachs,Bradley Coryell,Daylan Honeycutt,Cody Linley,Peter Crombie,Clint Howard,Harry Connick Jr.,Enzo the Dog,Moose the Dog,Lucille Ewing,Jordan Williams,Winston Groom,Bill Butler,Mark Beech,Susan Carol Davis,David Pickens

Genres My Dog Skip : Drama,Kids & Family

Visitor Ranting & Critics For My Dog Skip

User Ranting My Dog Skip : 3.1
User Percentage For My Dog Skip : 64 %
User Count Like for My Dog Skip : 45,861
All Critics Ranting For My Dog Skip : 6.7
All Critics Count For My Dog Skip : 82
All Critics Percentage For My Dog Skip : 73 %

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Movie Overview For My Dog Skip

A shy boy is unable to make friends in Yazoo City, Mississippi in 1942, until his parents give him a terrier puppy for his ninth birthday. The dog, which he names Skip, becomes well known and loved throughout the community and enriches the life of the boy, Willie, as he grows into manhood. Based on the best-selling Mississippi memoir by the late Willie Morris.

TagLine My Dog Skip

Every family needs an optimist.

Trailer For My Dog Skip


Review For My Dog Skip

This is such a sweet, healthy and refreshingly old-fashioned movie that there's a temptation to oversell it.
Joe Baltake-Sacramento Bee

In its own quiet, poignant, character-driven way, it's a movie for almost anyone of any age who's hungry for a beguiling 95 minutes.
Bruce McCabe-Boston Globe

The formula may be an old one, but it's still a good one.
Sean Means-Film.com

From the very first words you hear in My Dog Skip, you know you have hit a rare, precious breed of movie, one that honors and rejoices in the language.
Susan Stark-Detroit News

Good dog. Good dog movie.
Eleanor Ringel Gillespie-Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Worst of all, the Jack Russell playing Skip is allowed to mug à la Frasier's Eddie instead of behaving like an actual canine.
Ty Burr-Entertainment Weekly

...a gem of a movie for children and adults, despite its clichés.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

Great boy-and-dog tale, but be prepared for tears.
Nell Minow-Common Sense Media

Not a mawkish dying-dog tearjerker, "My Dog Skip" carries a touch of Mark Twain, with quasi-dangerous tall tales and awareness of a gap between childhood and boyhood. Plus, as it's said of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," there's cussin' in it.
Nick Rogers-Suite101.com

Features two irresistible lead characters -- and you can't always say that about a movie.
Judith Egerton-Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY)

So riddled with live-action Disney movie clichés that I kept waiting for Cruella de Ville to show up and threaten to skin the dog alive.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid

A heart-affecting boy-with-a-dog drama.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice

An affectionate and tender family film...
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

While this family film often follows the traditional mechanics of its genre, the emotions it elicits feel far from manufactured.
Michael Dequina-TheMovieReport.com

Skip may not change your life, but if you want a movie you can take your kids to without any trace of off-color jokes, sex, or violence, this is one.
Brian Frank-Citysearch

Bring plenty of Kleenex.
Tom Sander-South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Works because it never tries to be more than the very personal memory piece it is.
Paula Nechak-Seattle Post-Intelligencer

This might well be worth a rental for the kids when it comes out on video, but it's a bit too literary despite the wonderful cinematography.
Eric Lurio-Greenwich Village Gazette

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