Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Watch The Zen Of Bennett Movie with Full HD Format

This documentary is a seductive and soulful view into the mind of singer Tony Bennett as well as an intimate portrait of the artist's creative process as he turns 85 years old. In a first person narrative, Tony reflects back over his 60 year career while looking ahead within the context of his latest recording project. We experience inspirational insights as Tony discusses his philosophies of life, lessons learned, and his passion for art and music. Unrated
Release Date The Zen Of Bennett Oct 24, 2012 Limited
If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here The Zen Of Bennett Get this movie without downloading HERE

Actors For The Zen Of Bennett

Tony Bennett,Andrea Bocelli,Lady Gaga,John Mayer,Amy Winehouse,Aretha Franklin,Natalie Cole,Danny Bennett,Michael Buble,Carrie Underwood

Genres The Zen Of Bennett : Documentary,Musical & Performing Arts,Special Interest

Visitor Ranting & Critics For The Zen Of Bennett

User Ranting The Zen Of Bennett : 3.6
User Percentage For The Zen Of Bennett : 78 %
User Count Like for The Zen Of Bennett : 158
All Critics Ranting For The Zen Of Bennett : 7
All Critics Count For The Zen Of Bennett : 9
All Critics Percentage For The Zen Of Bennett : 78 %

If You want streaming this movie Please Click Here The Zen Of Bennett Get this movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For The Zen Of Bennett

At 85, not only does Tony Bennett still have the smoothest pipes in the music business, he’s got the kind of philosophy that has made him one of the most beloved and respected performers of the last six decades. Made with as much class and refinement as Tony himself, this is an insider’s look at the icon as he records his latest duets collection with stars like Lady Gaga, Aretha Franklin, andâ€"bittersweetlyâ€"the late Amy Winehouse.

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Trailer For The Zen Of Bennett


Review For The Zen Of Bennett

We see an art form bridge generations with a strange mixture of grace, joy and melancholy.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

Like the singer himself - smooth and classy.
G. Allen Johnson-San Francisco Chronicle

Like with any great singer, it's often the telling pauses of the man born Anthony Benedetto that say the most in "The Zen of Bennett."
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

These elements leave the documentary hanging somewhere between a glorified making-of album promo and a more in-depth portrait of the artist.
Dennis Harvey-Variety

Friendly doc offers plentiful guest stars but only one perspective on the singer's career.
John DeFore-Hollywood Reporter

The way Mr. Bennett talks is the way he sings. There is no subtext, only the song conveyed with knowledge, heart, a sophisticated sense of swing and a positive attitude.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

It feels a bit like a classed-up infomercial at times, but it's still as much a treat to witness Bennett's process as it is to see him interact with today's young stars.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

As simple as Tony Bennett's life is, his magic could've used a documentary less simple-minded than The Zen of Bennett to explain it.
David Guzman-Film Journal International

Movie Images The Zen Of Bennett

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